The Furness welcomes Ron (and others)
Water damage has caused a hole to appear in the ceiling of the main lodge room at Barrow in Furness Masonic Hall. This meant that the latest meeting of The Furness Mark Lodge No 36 had to be held in the adjacent room which is generally used for small chapter convocations.
Brian Davey, Darren Stainton and Ron Hiseman
With appropriately 36 people in attendance it certainly made for a rather cozy and intimate venue. The dimensions of the narrow room meant there had to be some creative thinking regarding the layout with the floor furniture having to be moved at times and the much-shortened perambulations conducted in single file. The fact it was, hopefully, a unique set of circumstances added to the enjoyment of the evening.
Keith Templeton, Mort Richardson, Darren Stainton and Brian George
Before the advancement ceremony which was to the main business of the meeting a ballot was held for 3 new members. Mort Richardson and Keith Templeton are members of the Duddon Mark Lodge in the province Cumberland and Westmorland. They are members of other orders at Barrow and had decided it was time to join The Furness. They were welcomed as joining members. Brian George had been a member of the lodge but had resigned due to other commitments. He now has the time to pursue his Mark Masonry and was warmly accepted back into the fold as a re-joining member.
Lodge secretary Kieron Mullan, Ron Hiseman and Ron’s proposer Dave Baker
Whilst all this was going on Ron Hiseman was languishing outside the door awaiting his entrance as the latest candidate for the lodge.
Eventually it was time for Ron to gain admittance and he was guided throughout the ceremony by senior deacon Steve Renney in superb style.
Dennis Laird, Lodge Treasurer David Shaw, Bernie McGeough and Jon Reed
The first part of the ceremony was undertaken by W.M. Darren Stainton in an excellent manner. The second part of the advancement was in the hands of that very doyen of Mark ritual Brian Davey who went about his work in his usual accomplished style. I took over after the presentation of the badge and jewel with junior deacon Jon Reed stepping up to present the working tools of the degree in an impeccable fashion.
All who had a role played their part well including steward Bernie McGeough who at the last minute was “volunteered to be Tyler.
Early seating was advisable!
Usually before calling the recession, as the D.C., I ask for volunteers to help put the pedestals, collars and other equipment away. However, with the main lodge room being a work site access is restricted. On this occasion we had to rely on lodge SW and hall secretary Dennis Laird along with other committee members to carry the equipment we need from its cubby hole under the eaves of the main room prior to the meeting and then return it on the following morning. The Furness Mark Lodge is indebted to them for their efforts.
Following the meeting it was time to adjourn for refreshment. The meal on this occasion was a simple but very enjoyable one of vegetable soup with assorted sandwiches accompanied by chips. I have to say it went down well and rounded off nicely another evening of enjoying the Magic of the Mark.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear